Ghostforce Wiki
Glups is a ghost. Glups is a ghost from the viscous family.

Glups[1] is one of the main deuteragonists of Ghostforce. He is a tamed Level 8 merger ghost from the viscous family. Glups is currently living with Miss Jones in the underground laboratory and has been her companion for many years.

In "Jellyjack", he reverted into a wild ghost after Liv Baker accidentally fed him too many scaryballs and indirectly caused him to escape the lab where his allergy to sunlight negatively affected his mental state. He also briefly merged with a suit of armor and became Jellyjack. However, following his capture by the Ghostforce, he calmed himself down in the Ghost Cloud before he resumed his role as Miss Jones's companion.


Kawai mode[]

Glups is a ghost that is shaped like a teardrop with black scleras and a small mouth. He is normally pink, but he would become green if he ever gets exposed to a large amount of sunlight when he's outside in the daytime.

As Jellyjack[]

Upon merging with a suit of armor, Glups became a giant knight armed with a sword with a blade made out of jelly.


Glups is a kindhearted, friendly, and empathetic ghost. Because of his friendship with Miss Jones, he can be quite observant and pick up human social cues whenever he's around the Ghostforce. As seen in "Boopsie", when Andy once accidentally broke the Boo Energy recharge chamber and Mike mentioned everyone around them at school suddenly became clumsy, Glups immediately alerted Miss Jones about a marking he saw on the back of his shirt that was caused by the titular ghost. He is also very understanding towards others and sometimes helps his friends in need. When Glups noticed Andy was hesitant about seeing rats when they were in the sewers in "Grump King", he encouraged him to confront his fear and helped clear a path for him by scaring away the rats.

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Glups mocking Glougloux who's inside its Boo Cap.

Glups is currently one of the only five tamed ghosts within the Ghostforce, so he doesn't like how his species chose to use their powers to terrorize humans and feed on their fears. Whenever he gets a chance to be close to a wild ghost in the lab, Glups would often taunt them for how their aggressive behavior led to their capture. For instance, he once teased Glougloux by snarling at it while the ghost was asleep in its Boo Cap. However, he understands that the wild ghosts are aggressive because they must feed on people's fears as a form of survival. Based on how he once watched an animal documentary about Amazonian wolves in "Mizuo", he seems to see the behavior of the wild ghosts being similar to that of a wild animal on Earth. Since Glups is possibly the first ghost to be tamed by Miss Jones which leads to him becoming her close friend, he hopes every single wild ghost that is captured in the lab will someday be successfully tamed and domesticated so they'll learn not to physically nor mentally harm humans with their powers.

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Glups learning about a magic trick from Mike.

He has been living in the underground laboratory with Miss Jones for many years ever since he was founded by her. As a result, he tends to be curious whenever he gets to encounter something from the outside world that he has never seen in the lab yet. For instance, in "Mikroo", he presumably never saw a battery before and had attempted to eat it when he assumed it was food. He also immediately befriended Asta when the two first met since he never encountered a dog before. Glups seems to be fascinated by human entertainment since he occasionally watches the news with Miss Jones whenever there isn't a ghost attack in Manhattan, such as a basketball game where Andy participated in "Dunky Boss", and even watches her playing Spook Out on the console computer a few times.

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Glups playing with Asta.

Glups has a sense of humor and can be playful since his species is known for its mischievous behavior. As seen in "Jinjoke", Glups found Miss Jones's April Fool's Day prank on the main trio to be funny after she lured them into the lab and scared them by having Glowboo appeared from behind. He enjoys ghost chess and often plays a round against Glowboo, but he sometimes watches a match between Miss Jones and another player. However, Glups can recognize when it's the right time to have fun and would read the room whenever something serious is going to happen for the Ghostforce.

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Glups trapping Charlie and Carla as a result of his sunlight allergy.

He is fully aware of his sunlight allergy and chooses to stay in the lab to prevent himself from reverting to a wild ghost. When he found himself suddenly outside after he accidentally escaped the lab through the portal meant for the Ghost Car, he was briefly seen horrified upon being exposed by the sun shining brightly on him before his wild instincts took over his mind. If he became a wild ghost again, he wouldn't be able to control his mental state and would begin terrorizing humans to feed on their fear before merging into a receptacle. Once he was calmed down in the Ghost Cloud after the Ghostforce captured him in "Jellyjack", Glups is shown to be visibly guilty about his actions for accidentally hurting people with his powers. As demonstrated in "Grump King", the only time Glups would ever be able to go to the outside world without suffering from his allergy would be at night.


  • Flight: Glups can fly in his kawai mode.
  • Intangibility: Glups can phase through walls, floors, and generally solid objects. The only exception is when he is trapped in the Ghost Cloud or one of the Boo Caps. The only solid objects Glups can move are the ghost chess pieces since he can be seen playing a round against Glowboo in "Cyclopee".
  • Possession: As a merger ghost, Glups can gain additional powers by possessing objects once he ingests enough fear from humans. The only receptacle he was seen merged with was a medieval knight armor.
  • Chess Playing: Glups is good at playing a variation of chess where the pieces are represented by some of the ghosts that are stored in the Ghost Cloud. This stems from him learning about a specific ghost's powers whenever he observed Miss Jones studying its Boo Energy and relaying the information to the Ghostforce.
  • Phosphorescence: Glups's body glows brightly in dark places.
  • Color Shifting: Depending on how much he was exposed to a specific amount of solar radiation, Glups's entire intangible body can change colors. If he develops an allergic reaction, he would briefly change to blue and green. A large exposure to sunlight would cause Glups's body to turn green and negatively affect his mental state. However, if he is away from direct sunlight, he will become pink and able to calm himself down.
  • Jelly Creation: As a member of the vicious family, Glups can create jelly by spitting them from his mouth in his kawai mode. The jelly can trap humans and allow Glups to feed on their fears. Upon merging into a medieval knight armor to become Jellyjack, he can create a larger amount of jelly by either the touch of his left hand or the blade of his sword.
  • Jelly Weaponry: As Jellyjack, he can wield a sword with a blade made out of jelly. He can even transform the sword into different weapons from the Middle Ages, such as a shield or a mace.


Pre-Season 1[]

According to the official Ghostforce website, Glups was founded by Miss Jones on the same day her partner Carpenter vanished by the unknown ghost "with multiple powers" after a run-in with Nolan Kasenti.[2] He was given his name and was successfully tamed by Miss Jones. Since then, the two have been living together in the underground laboratory for years. Glups keeps Miss Jones company while she's hiding from Mr. Kasenti and he hasn't been in the outside world because of his sunlight allergy and not wanting to become a wild ghost again.

Season 1[]

From "Trashotic" to "Criangle", Glups would always be hovering next to Miss Jones and even watches her supervise the second iteration of the Ghostforce during their mission to capture every single wild ghost that haunted Manhattan.

In "Pharaok", Miss Jones received an alert on her Boo Map on the titular ghost's awakening and releasing a heatwave that indirectly weakened both her and Glups' Boo Energy from the lab. The two then locked themselves in the fridge for hours until the Ghostforce eventually captured Pharaok to get rid of the heatwave.

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In "Mikroo", Glups noticed Liv Baker gave Miss Jones a battery and was curiously inspecting it. While Miss Jones was talking to Fury and Krush after their Boo Energy got drained by Mikroo, Glups attempted to eat the battery when he mistook it for food but his intangible body ended up phasing through it. However, he indirectly inspired Miss Jones and Liv to create a Boo Energy battery that can fuel Fury and Krush when they both noticed the battery started glowing through his body.

In "Mizuo", Glups watched an animal documentary about Amazonian wolves with Miss Jones and even howled along with her after she explained to the team how Mizuo's pack behavior is similar to the wolf species.

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In "Chronoklok", Glups got frozen in time by the titular merger ghost after it unleashed a time-stop bubble that covered the entire NYC school since the lab is located underneath the building. Following Petrifear's capture by the Ghostforce, Glups watched Miss Jones take another nap in the console room.

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In "Scream Scratch", Glups was watching Miss Jones working on a new version of the Ghost Gauntlet in the lab's garage when Andy arrived with Asta. He curiously examined Asta before he started playing with him by letting the dog chase him around the garage. When the main trio all left, Glups continued to play with Asta but he didn't let Miss Jones know about the dog in the garage since she was focused on the Ghost Gauntlet.

When Asta's bag of dog treats landed on the floor and his bark finally alerted Miss Jones's attention, what no one in the garage expected was that the bag happened to be a ghost nest for Scream Scratch. Glups couldn't do anything but watch Scream Scratch caused Miss Jones to be covered in fleas and escape from the lab after she accidentally turned on the portal meant for the Ghost Car. Following Scream Scratch's capture by the Ghostforce, Glups was relieved that Miss Jones was no longer itchy by the ghost.

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In "Jellyjack", Glups got hungry in the afternoon and let Miss Jones know about it while she was in the middle of upgrading Glowboo. He was then fed Scaryballs by her when Liv arrived soon after and witnessed him growing a little larger after digesting his meal. Miss Jones offered Liv to feed Glups but also warned her that he must be fed one more Scaryball to avoid the risks of going into booster mode.

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When Miss Jones must leave to finish upgrading Glowboo, Liv fed Glups by firing another Scaryball from the blaster and it bounced to the garage. After digesting his meal, Glups was still hungry and wanted one more from Liv. She tried to reason with Glups about Miss Jones's warning, but the ghost used his cuteness and successfully convinced her otherwise. Liv then fired another Scaryball and Glups began chasing after his meal while it bounced around the garage. Unfortunately, Glups was too distracted chasing the Scaryball that he didn't notice his meal accidentally turn on the portal meant for the Ghost Car and he went through it

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As soon as he digested the Scaryball, Glups suddenly found himself outside at Central Park. Because the portal already closed behind him, it was too late for him to go back to the lab and he reverted to a wild ghost again due to his sunlight allergy. With his allergen taking over his mental state, Glups found himself terrorizing the parkgoers by trapping them with his jelly creation powers and wasn't able to stop himself from feeding on their fears. Once he ingested enough fear, Glups merged with a medieval suit of armor and became Jellyjack.

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Because of his wild mental state, Jellyjack fought against the Ghostforce as they tried to stop his rampage at Times Square. Myst, in particular, tried to calm him down by feeding his more Scaryballs in the hope Jellyjack would return to Glups. However, it doesn't work since Myst caused his Boo Energy to quadruple and he grew much larger. Following a piece of advice from Miss Jones, Myst lured Jellyjack back to Central Park where he was trapped by Krush and Fury. He was then stunned by Glowboo's Solar Blast, allowing Myst to release Octocat to deboost him before trapping him in a Boo Cap.

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Following Glups's capture, he was taken to the Ghost Cloud and was successfully calmed down back to being a tamed ghost. Despite feeling guilty for his actions, he suddenly felt hungry again because he was deboosted and was unsure if he wanted to eat more Scaryballs. He was told by Liv that he fed enough fear for one day because of his time as Jellyjack. However, she promised him that he'd be fed more Scaryballs on the following day, much to his happiness, and forgave Liv for indirectly causing his escape.


In "Grump King", Glups accompanied Miss Jones in the Ghost Car to assist Fury in capturing the titular ghost. When Andy got separated from his medallion mid-flight because of Grump King's thorn attack, Miss Jones managed to save him before he fell into the ground and even detected Andy's medallion in the sewers. Miss Jones was unable to get the medallion because the Ghost Car was too big to fit into the sewers, so Andy had to retrieve his medallion himself. Andy was afraid of going to the sewers due to his musophobia, but Miss Jones assured him that it's normal for him to be afraid and he must have the courage to confront his fear so it would disappear completely.

When Grump King found the Ghost Car hidden in the alleyway, Miss Jones had no other option but to eject Andy while she created a diversion for the ghost. Glups, inspired by Miss Jones's encouragement to Andy, decided to join him in getting his medallion since he wanted to help Andy confront his musophobia. So, Glups sneaked out of the Ghost Car without Miss Jones noticing and led Andy to the sewers.

While the two were searching for the medallion, Andy received a call from Miss Jones about the Ghost Car suffering an engine malfunction and warned him that he must hurry before Grump King could get to her. When the signal from his ghostphone is suddenly broken, Andy and Glups have no choice but to keep going. They finally found the medallion up ahead, but there were many sewage rats blocking their path which made Andy hesitant. Glups hovered next to the ghostphone to remind him about Miss Jones's predicament and encouraged Andy that he must face his fear to save the team. Knowing that Glups was right, Andy charged towards his medallion while Glups helped by scaring the rats to clear the path for him. Andy managed to reach his medallion and immediately transformed into Fury to save Miss Jones.

Glups was unable to catch up with Fury, but he managed to fly back to the Ghost Car right after Grump King's capture. He was proud of Fury upon hearing from Miss Jones that he managed to confront his fear of rats and broke through Grump King's illusion to save all of Manhattan. The emergency protocol for the Ghost Car was also activated just in time for Miss Jones, Glups, and Glowboo to all head back to the lab since the sun was rising.

Bridge episodes[]

From "Tortress" to "Swip Swap", Glups continued watching over Miss Jones supervising the second iteration of the Ghostforce.

In "Rozamour", Glups was having an impromptu dinner date with Miss Jones for Valentine's Day, presumably to help her cope with the loss of Carpenter. Glowboo served as their "butler" and cooked spaghetti with Scaryballs for their dinner. The two were about to eat when they suddenly received a call from the Ghostforce about another wild ghost on the loose. Despite Glowboo leaving the lab to help the team capture Cupidour, Miss Jones and Glups both continued their dinner plan.

In "Boopsie", Glups and Miss Jones were watching the Boo Map after receiving an alert about a new wild ghost in Manhattan. When the main trio arrived at the lab, they were both taken aback by Andy's sudden clumsiness after he accidentally damaged the recharge station. Glups examined Andy and was surprised to find a marking on the back of his shirt. He whispered to Miss Jones about what he saw and she confirmed his speculations to everyone in the lab that the wild ghost causing Andy's clumsiness is Boopsie.


Miss Jones[]

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Glups with his human companion Miss Jones.

Glups had known Miss Jones ever since she found him on the same day as her former partner Carpenter's vanishment. He was taken to her underground laboratory where he got tamed into the friendly and empathetic ghost he is now. Being one of the first ghosts to be successfully tamed by Miss Jones, Glups developed a genuine bond and friendship with her. He has been keeping Miss Jones company when she decided to self-exile herself in the lab because of her half-ghost condition. Together, the two would study ghosts and Miss Jones's half-ghost condition so they can find the ghost "with multiple powers" to save Carpenter and cure her handicap.

Because Glups has been living with Miss Jones for many years, he gets to experience human culture and lifestyle. This includes watching the news, learning about animals like Amazonian wolves from wildlife documentary films, and celebrating Christmas with traditions like baking cookies. He also understands what Miss Jones said and presumably taught her how to understand him since he speaks in an unidentified ghost language. This was hinted in "Boopsie" when Glups whispered to Miss Jones about noticing a marking on the back of Andy's shirt caused by the titular ghost.

Glups is unable to help Miss Jones whenever she works on a science experiment because of his intangibility. So, he resorted to watching over her shoulders whenever she worked and often waited until the main trio arrived in the lab to help her in a predicament. However, he would often whisper to Miss Jones whenever he had an idea that could help her with an experiment.

Andy Baker, Liv Baker, and Mike Collins[]

While he rarely gets to interact with the current iteration of the Ghostforce since they are always on a mission outside the lab, Glups trusts the three kids to protect Manhattan from the wild ghost attacks. He is always worried about them whenever they are on a mission because a specific ghost's powers can greatly doom the entire city if the team ever fails to capture it in time.

Unlike Miss Jones, Glups expects the team to be responsible with a wild ghost whenever the scientist isn't around to supervise them. This was seen in "Glougloux" when he didn't stop the main trio from starting a training session while Miss Jones was napping. However, his not intervening indirectly led to the team accidentally causing the titular ghost to escape from the lab.

So far, Glups only interacted with Andy and Liv individually in the series.

In "Jellyjack", Liv was entrusted by Miss Jones to feed Glups with one more Scaryball while she was upgrading Glowboo. However, after Glups ate a Scaryball in the garage, he was still hungry and tried to convince Liv to feed him more. When Liv reminded Glups about Miss Jones's warning, Glups used his cuteness against her because he was aware that Liv couldn't handle ghosts she found adorable. This convinced Liv to fire one more Scaryball, though it indirectly caused Glups to accidentally escape from the lab via the portal meant for the Ghost Car. After he was captured by the Ghostforce and deboosted back to his tamed self, Glups forgave Liv for accidentally causing him to become a wild ghost.

In "Grump King", he accompanied Andy to retrieve his medallion after it fell into the sewers by the titular ghost and helped him overcome his fear of rats.


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Glups and Glowboo playing a round of ghost chess.

Glups gets along well with Glowboo and sees him as a friend. He doesn't show any sign of jealousy towards the android for living with him and Miss Jones, likely because Glups understands Glowboo was designed by Carpenter and Miss Jones built him in her former partner's honor. The two often play ghost chess together whenever Glowboo isn't busy on a mission or doing chores in the lab, as seen in "Cyclopee".

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Glowboo hugging Glups.

He is always worried about Glowboo's well-being since not all of the latter's features are unlocked by Miss Jones yet. In "Sandyrok", Glups felt concerned for Glowboo when the latter's affection chip was updated by Miss Jones but it worked too well and caused the android to become clingy. However, Glups didn't mind when he was joined in a group hug when Glowboo mentioned that "everybody needs affection".

Because Glowboo uses Solarboo's Boo Energy which has a stronger amount of solar radiation than the Earth's sun, Glups must always be careful whenever the android is being upgraded by Miss Jones. As seen in "Jellyjack", Glowboo would accidentally fire a large Solar Blast in the lab if he ever gets short-circuited and causes Glups to have a brief allergic reaction to it.


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Glups first met Asta.

Glups first met Asta in the lab's garage when Andy brought him to the lab's garage in "Scream Scratch". Having never seen a dog before, Glups was initially curious about Asta and wasn't sure what to think of him. Upon realizing how friendly Asta was and didn't show any fear towards Glups despite the latter being a ghost, he started playing with the dog in the garage and watched over him after the main trio left.




Glups early concept art

The original design for Glups by David François.

  • An early design for Glups was created by David François in around 2018.[3]
  • As revealed in the Ghostforce 2021 brand deck, Glups was originally going to be shaped like a heart when the series is in production.
  • Glups seems to be either a replacement or a new version of Flubby, a ghost character who was only mentioned when the series was first announced to be in pre-production. He was described as a "friendly ghost who helps Ghostforce out on their adventures".[4]
  • Before the premiere of his featured episode "Jellyjack", his merged form was first seen in concept art in 2021. However, his helmet was covered to conceal his true identity.
  • Glups is currently the only known ghost who is primarily addressed with "he/him" pronouns instead of "it/its".
  • His cycle level is never mentioned within the series, but he got captured in a silver Boo Cap reserved for Level 8 ghosts in "Jellyjack".
    • This makes him the oldest tamed ghost in terms of cycle level since Growmax, Octocat, Dragoyle, and Solarboo are all preserved in Boo Caps made for ghost cycle level between 2 and 6.
  • "Bananice" and "Sporofungus" are currently the only episodes in which Glups didn't appear.
  • Despite first appearing in "Trashotic", Glups' name isn't revealed until "Glougloux".
  • In the French dub, Glups's name is pronounced with a long u ("ɡluːp") and it sounds similar to "gloops". "Gloops" is an informal English word referring to ​a thick sticky fluid or substance. This is a reference to his powers where he can spit jelly out his mouth. However, in the English dub, his name is pronounced with a short u ("ɡlûːp").
    • Sometimes, the English dub would mistakenly have Glups's name mispronounced with a long u ("ɡluːp"). This happened in both "Jellyjack" and "Grump King".
  • The name Fury gave for his merged form, "Jellyjack", is a portmanteau of "jelly" and "Knight Jack". "Jelly" refers to his power, while "-jack" refers to Glups merging with a suit of armor that was a costume for an in-universe fictional character named Knight Jack.
    • In the French dub, his merged form is known as "Gloupsijack".
  • The only time Glups got affected by another ghost's power is by Chronoklok when it indirectly froze time in the underground lab during its attack.
  • In "Gmagicard", it's revealed that Glups doesn't like noises coming from a blender. When Glowboo uses it to make a smoothie for Miss Jones, Glups gets startled and flies onto her hands until the blender is off.
  • Glups seems to like desserts because he was seen attempting to eat a cheesecake in both "Arakgum" and "Jam Jam". He also attempted to take a bite on Miss Jones's ice cream in "Kaboom". However, it's uncertain if he can ingest human foods because of his intangible body.
  • Although Glups is a ghost who can hover in the air, he can "faint" by dropping himself onto the ground if he feels overly anxious. The only episodes he's seen "fainting" are "Scorpod" and "Jam Jam".


Click here to view the image gallery for Glups.
Click here to view the gallery.


  3. The concept art was created in 2018, but it was uploaded to ArtStation in 2022. Glups's name is confirmed in the file name:
